Published 07/02/2015 at 8:12pm UTC
Page viewed 44453 times
If you've already installed our videoconferencing app, but are still seeing this message when you log in or land on the waiting room page:
It's possible that you may have disabled or recently deleted your cookies, or you may be using a different browser than the one you used to download Zoom the first time.
When you click on the blue "Download Zoom" button or "Stop Showing This Message" button, our website drops a "cookie" in your browser for the subdomain that you are on. These aren't the delicious cookies that tempt you from afar--it is a piece of data that tells your browser not to display this message again.
Cookies are normally enabled by default in browsers, but if you would like to check, here are links to the support pages of common browsers. (You don't have to allow all cookies, but you should allow it for the subdomain your sessions will be held on.)
This article was last reviewed by our Support team on August 20, 2024.